About Us

Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association represents teachers in the Prairie Valley School Division. The work of the Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association is to promote and safeguard the best interests and welfare of teachers, and to secure conditions that will make possible the best professional service to approximately 8100 students. There are 39 schools within 32 communities in the Prairie Valley School Division. Situated in Treaty 4 territory, from Regina Beach and Bethune to the west; Kelliher and Lipton to the north; Milestone, Sedley and Montmartre to the south; and Whitewood and Kennedy Langbank to the east There are approximately 660 teachers within Prairie Valley School Division and this collective make up the Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association.

Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association purpose is to bargain collectively on behalf of members for a local collective agreement subject to the local bargaining provisions of The Education Act, 1995; to support and foster professional growth of teachers; to cooperate actively with groups or individuals promoting the cause of public education; and to help teachers become directly and actively involved in the educational decision-making process and positively influence public opinion regarding education.

Prairie Valley Teacher’s Association Strives to:

  • Promote and safeguard the best interests and welfare of teachers and students by securing conditions that make possible the best professional service.
  • Bargain collectively on behalf of our teachers for a local collective agreement.
  • Cooperate actively with groups or individuals promoting the cause of public education.
  • Help teachers become directly and actively involved in the education decision making process.
  • Effectively communicate information to our teachers.
  • Work in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation to enhance and support publicly funded education.